


For example, the desired fully qualified filename for the *.uproject location would be

Generate a standart blank project

Easy start for the latest version of the installed Ue

UePrjCreator "C:\UePrj1\UePrj1.uproject"

Run for a specific installed version of the Ue

UePrjCreator "C:\UePrj1\UePrj1.uproject" --UeVersion=4.26

Run for installed Ue in certain path in quotes

UePrjCreator "C:\UePrj1\UePrj1.uproject" --UeInstallDir="C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.26"

Generate from an existing template with a quoted path for a specific installed version of Ue

UePrjCreator "C:\UePrj1\UePrj1.uproject" --UeVersion=4.26 --Tpl="C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.26\Templates\TP_SideScroller\TP_SideScroller.uproject"

Generate for a game with one executable, without *Engine.dll, for a specific installed version of Ue

UePrjCreator "C:\UePrj1\UePrj1.uproject" --UeVersion=4.26 --DevTpl

Help output


Common mistake

error: This project file already exists

UePrjCreator "C:\UePrj1\UePrj1.uproject"
UePrjCreator "C:\UePrj1\UePrj1.uproject"
The solution is to delete the directory before using the tool:
cmd /c "rmdir C:\UePrj1 /s /q"
cmd /c "del /Q /S C:\UePrj1 >nul 2>&1 & rmdir /Q /S C:\UePrj1 >nul 2>&1"


Clickable reports

cpplint cppcheck LinesOfСode Comments amount testsuites tests coverage


Inspired by video “Unreal Engine C++ Project Setup, From Scratch” of youtube blogger Alex Forsythe


A series of projects is planned - Unreal Engine for a system developer

  • Fast and easy create new project
  • UBT proxy and optimizer, to avoid expensive loading .Net stuff for little action
  • Minimal Unreal Engine 4 executable
  • UHT proxy and optimizer
  • NppCodeAccess plugin
  • SublimeCodeAccess plugin

Trick with GetProcAddress is necessary because I don’t know how to link static symbols and use “delay-import” at the same time.

link to repo

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.